gorman crossing
elementary pta
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
NEW YEAR, NEW BOARD! Please welcome the new PTA Executive Board!
President: Bruce Webster gcespta@gmail.com
Vice President 1: Kerri Dunbar gcesvpone@gmail.com
Vice President 2: Naomi Rios gcesvptwo@gmail.com
Treasurer: Octavia Morman gcestreasurer@gmail.com
Link to tonight's (1/22) PTA General Membership meeting at 7pm:
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to your child’s Gorman Crossing PTA.
This school year, the PTA is sponsoring:
Enrichment assemblies at school
Fun community events (such as Gator Jam, Trunk or Treat, bingo and movie nights, multicultural night, and more)
Evening virtual talks for parents on topics related to parenting (such as executive functioning, cell phone / technology use, and more)
Teacher and staff appreciation
All of these activities require not only volunteers to organize and run events, but also money. We calculated that it will cost about $31 per student, for the PTA to do everything that is planned for this school year.
To donate to the GCES PTA, please click this link: http://app.memberhub.gives//gatorgiving2024
Support the gorman Crossing pta
Gator Giving a no-fuss fundraiser
Don't have time to volunteer? We get it! We have made it easy to support the school community with our No-Fuss Fundraiser. Consider making a tax-deductible donation to your child’s GCES PTA.
This school year, the PTA is sponsoring:
Enrichment assemblies at school
Fun community events (such as Gator Jam, Trunk or Treat, bingo and movie nights, multicultural night, and more)
Evening virtual talks for parents on topics related to parenting (such as executive functioning, cell phone and technology use, and more)
Teacher and staff appreciation
All of these activities require not only volunteers to organize and run events, but also money. We calculated that it will cost about $31 per student, for the PTA to do everything that is planned for this school year.
There is absolutely no obligation to donate! If you are able to make a donation, we have set up an easy way for you to do so, and feel good knowing that you have made a positive impact on your children’s school.
To donate to the GCES PTA, please click this link: http://app.memberhub.gives//gatorgiving2024
Store Partnerships
There are several very simple, quick things you can do to help support the PTA without spending a penny. Please check out the attached flyer to see how you can help, in 5 minutes or less!
Are you thinking about end-of-year giving for your business? The GCES PTA is a tax-exempt organization, and we would love to spread the word that your business supports our local community. For more details, please reach out to Kerri Dunbar (gcesvpone@gmail.com).
Each of the events that we bring to our community takes many hands to make successful. If you are looking for a way to get involved, fill out this google form and let us know your interests.
PTA news & updates
After School Programs (PTA Sponsored)
PTA Calendar
PTA Sponsored Events
September 6 - BTS Picnic
Canceled - Movie Night (Rain date TBD)
October 17 - Trunk or Treat
December 6 - BINGO Night
January 10 - Skate Night
February 21 - BINGO Night
March 3-21 - Read-a-thon
March 21 - STEAM Night
April 4 - Multicultural Night
May 2 - Gator Jam
June 6 or June 13 - Skate Night
PTA General Membership Meetings
Mark your calendar for this year's PTA meetings.
Meetings will be held virtually at 7pm unless noted otherwise.
September 25
November 20
January 22
March 26
May 14
Join GCES PTA by becoming a member. Our goal this year is to reach 300 members so please get involved and ask your friends and family to join too!
If you would like to become a member, use the link above and come join the fun!!
Family Membership - $25 allows you 2 voting members, access to the newsletter, emails, and special perks at PTA events
Faculty/Staff Membership - $10 allows you 1 voting member, access to the newsletter, emails, and special perks at PTA events
Intern Membership - $5 allows you 1 voting member, access to the newsletter, emails, and special perks at PTA events
Administrative Documents
Parent Access to Student Information - Where you would find your Family File, Report Cards, Standardized Test Scores, etc.
Instructional apps including Canvas where you can find your child's daily assignments and classwork grades.
Support our Corporate Sponsors